PNG Library & Information Services & Studies
| PNG Archives & Records Management | Bibliographies | Library development in PNG | 3rd World Library Development |
- Libraries in Papua New Guinea
by Dr. John Evans
[ this is a multipart HTML version of the content in Adobe Acrobat PDF version "Library Services in P.N.G." linked below] and is provided for ease of
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- Library planning articles - on 3rd world perspectivies
79 page PDF file by John Evans - "...drafts of articles relating to library and information development
-- other than papers relating to Papua New Guinea -- from a collection entitled Planning for library
development: third world perspectives" edited by John Evans and published by Dalhousie University, Dept. of Library and Information Studies,
- Library Services in Papua New Guinea
80 page PDF file by John Evans - from a collection entitled Planning for library
development: third world perspectives" edited by John Evans and published by Dalhousie University, Dept. of Library and Information Studies,
- Libraries in Papua New Guinea
88 page PDF file by John Evans - "...a draft of an article that later appeared in Encyclopedia of library and information
science, Vol. 70 "
- Records and Archives Management
" Archives legislation and policy - ... passed through Parliament as the Libraries and Archives Act of 1993. The legislation emphasizes the many points of contact felt by the National Library Service to exist between libraries and archives, and provides the necessary statutory powers for the operations of the National Library and National Archives. ..." - John Evans reviews the state of training, research and development resources in the area of records and archives management in Papua New Guinea.
- National Library Service of Papua New Guinea Libraries of Asia Paicific (LAP) web reference / history and early development support by National Library of Australia in
- Draft Bibliography of Libraries and Librarianship in Papua New Guinea to 1996 Update compiled by Dr. John Evans, South Pacific Centre for Communications and Information In Development
The main building blocks for this bibliography are the lists compiled by those dedicated workers, Leigh Baker and Alice Crossland, both of whom have long since left Papua New Guinea. A few earlier items from the New Guinea Collection
at the University of Papua New Guinea&146;s Michael Somare Library have also been added. The resulting collection, which is rich in "grey literature", will be of service to those few who maintain an interest in libraries in Papua New Guinea. It will certainly be easier than using the previous
dispersed sources.
see also National Library Service & National Archives of Papua New Guinea web sites:
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Reference Information
(BUAI - stands for Books Useful Articles & Information)
BUAI seeks to provide a virtual home for a growing collection of research level electronic material on and from Papua New Guinea.
BUAI is sponsored under the IDRC's PAN initiative ( and International Development Research Centre, Southeast and East Asia Region.