Contents in Alphabetical Order by Title / Author
| Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | O | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | end |
The main building blocks for this bibliography are the lists compiled by those dedicated workers, Leigh Baker and Alice Crossland, both of whom have long since left Papua New Guinea. I saw merit in bringing these materials together and up to date. A few earlier items from the New Guinea Collection at the University of Papua New Guineas Michael Somare Library have also been added. The resulting collection, which is rich in "grey literature", will be of service to those few who maintain an interest in libraries in Papua New Guinea. It will certainly be easier than using the previous dispersed sources.
What was once a steady flow into a voluminous literature has almost dried up. The once frequent Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk has also ceased publication. While this has made the coverage of the last few years easier it is also rather sad and is a reflection of other aspects of the library scene.
Whether the now national, rather than mainly expatriate, library profession chooses to resume the process of recording the scene is an unknown at present, but this bibliography, warts and all, should enable them to chart
the path that others have taken.
Additions, corrections and comments to: -
John Evans,
South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in Development (SPCenCIID),
Box 320,
University Post Office,
Papua New Guinea.
Ph - (675)-3267260
Fax- (675)-3267187
Contents in Alphabetical Order by Title / Author
| Introduction | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | O | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | end |
"AACR 2 headings," National Library Bulletin 1(2), March/April 1981, p. 14;
also 1(3), May/June 1981, pp. 7-9; and 1(4) July/Aug 81, pp. 19-22.
R. Adler, [Churches Council for Media Coordination] in John Flanagan, ed.,
Library and Information Services for the Public: proceedings of the 8th
PNGLA Conference, 1979. PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 145-146.
Administrative College of Papua New Guinea. Professional Studies Branch.
Proposals for a Library Technician's Certificate. Port Moresby, The College,
1981. 49 p.
Administrative College of Papua New Guinea. Working Party on the
Implementation of the Dean Report. Report. Port Moresby, The College, 1977.
Advisory Committee on Library Education, "First report, November 1980," Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 28, 52-56 (1981).
"Advisory visit to Papua New Guinea [Alan Seal's visit to UPNG Library
regarding library automation]." Centre for Cataloguing Research Newsletter,
8, Dec. 1983.
"Agencies involved in information work," in John Flanagan, ed., Library and
Information Services for the Public: proceedings of the 8th PNGLA
Conference, 1979. PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 125-153.
Bryant Allen, "Patterns of seeking information in rural areas," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 38, 1986, pp. 6-15.
M. Ali, "Survey of the Administrative College Library," Kandere Chronicle,
6, 1973, pp. 2-6.
Brian Amini, [Office of Information], in John Flanagan, ed., Library and
Information Services for the Public: proceedings of the 8th PNGLA
Conference, 1979. PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 129-132.
Hedwig Anuwar, "Strategies in the planning of library and information
services," in John Flanagan, ed . Library and Information Services for the
Public: proceedings of the 8th PNGLA Conference, 1979, PNGLA, Port Moresby,
1981, pp. 9-26.
L. Aparima, "The importance of libraries: a speech given on the occasion of
the opening of the extension to Adcol Library, 15 October 1980," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 29, 1981, pp. 57-58.
Tony Austin, Speaking Volumes, Paper prepared for the PNGLA Conference
October 1979. Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Port Moresby,
[1979]. Preprint. Also appears in John Flanagan, ed., Library and
Information Services for the Public: proceedings of the 8th PNGLA
Conference, 1979. PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 161-197.
Kwami Avafia, "Library development in Papua New Guinea". Libri, 25(4), 1975.
pp. 270 - 297.
Dick Avi, "The work of the Censorship Board," in Professional seminars 1982,
(M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 10-15.
Wendy Avosa, "My work [as Interlibrary Loans Officer, PNG Univesity of
Technology]," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25-26 , 1978, 30-32.
Sally-Ann Bagita and Ross Shimmon, "From authors to libraries" in Libraries
in a Nutshell, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1983, pp.
----, Observations on the Jackson report (1981) on Teacher's College
Libraries in Papua New Guinea. [Port Moresby]: PNGLA, 1982. 4p.
----, "PNGLA : past, present and future," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 35, 1984,
----, "The role of school libraries in Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 31,1982, 15-18.
Ian Bagley, "Giving and getting access to library services in the school :
lessons from the Lumi School Library," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus,
(J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 227-233.
----, "Giving and getting access to library services in the school," in
Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port
Moresby, 1994, pp. 220-226.
----, "Providing a library at Lumi High School." PNG Education Gazette,
12(11),1978, pp. 269-270.
Penny Bailey, Nancy Lutton and Wendy Seeto, eds., Libraries in an
Independent Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Library
Association and Papua New Guinea Branch, Library Association of Australia,
James Baker, "Copyright and legal deposit," in Professional seminars 1982,
(M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 77-82.
Leigh Baker, "An end and a beginning," Australian Academic and Research
Libraries, 10, 1979, 45-50.
----, "Bushknives, books and brideprices: administration of University
libraries in Papua New Guinea", in Library Association of Australia 18th
Biennial Conference, Melbourne, 1975. Proceedings. pp. 92 - 115.
----, Design of a National Information Network for Papua New Guinea, Lae :
Papua New Guinea University of Technology, 1979. (Research Report 116/77)
----, Development of University Libraries in Papua New Guinea, MPhil Thesis,
PNG University of Technology, 1979.
----, Development of University Libraries in Papua New Guinea, Scarecrow
Press, Metuchen , 1981.
----, "Independence budgets and the university libraries" Toktok Bilong Haus
Buk, 16, June 1976, pp 5 - 7.
----, "Librarianship in PNG - where is it going - 5. A profession in decline
- librarianship in PNG, 1978," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25/26,1978, pp.
----, "Library and information networks for the Pacific : needs and
development," Hawaii Library Association Journal , 35, 1978, pp. 5-16.
----, "The Library Council of Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
20-21, 1977, pp. 15-25.
Leigh Baker and Eric Coote, Library Stage II: Brief to Architects and
Consultants, Lae, Papua New Guinea University of Technology, 1975.
----, "Localisation and staff development at the Matheson Library," Fiji
Library Association Journal, 1,1979, pp. 29-39.
----, National and Regional Bibliography in the Pacific : a Development
Appraisal, Lae: PNG University of Technology, [197-?]. 30 p.
----, National Union List of Serials held in Papua New Guinea Libraries.
Preliminary edition. Lae: Papua New Guinea University of Technology,
Matheson Library, 1977.
----, Network Needs and Development in the Pacific , Paper presented at the
symposium on "Networking : towards a blue-print for South Pacific basin
library and information co-operation, Hawaii, 15-17 June, 1978," 35 p.
----, "Papua New Guinea," in Encyclopedia of Library and Information
Science, (A.Kent, ed.), Dekker, New York, 21 , 1977, pp. 371-396.
----, "The Papua New Guinea University of Technology Library building".
Unesco Bulletion for Libraries, 30(5) September/October 1976, pp. 273 - 7.
----, "Papua New Guinea University of Technology Library building," Unesco
Bulletin for Libraries, 31(2), 68-106 and 115 (1977).
----, "The PNGLA's Fifth Conference". Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 18, December
1976. pp. 17 - 25.
----, "The PNGLA's 6th. Conference." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 22, 1977, pp.
Leigh Baker and Sid Patchett, A Proposal for a Common Staff Classification
for Libraries in Papua NewGuinea . Lae: [University Library], 1977.
----, Scientific, Social and Technological Information in Papua New Guinea,
Lae: [University Library], 1977. -Produced for the First UNISIST Meeting of
Experts on Regional Information Policy and Planning in South-East Asia,
Bali, Indonesia, 12-15 July 1977.
----, "University of Technology Library Stage II Building". Toktok Bilong
Haus Buk, 16, June 1976, pp. 11 - 12
M. Baker, "Public Service Institute Library," Journal of the Public Service,
2(1), March 1960, pp. 23-25.
Robyn Baldock, "The Engineering Library, Department of Public Utilities,"
Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 16, June 1976 p.13.
"Balob Teachers College Library," Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 19, March 1977. p.
C. Basilius, [untitled article], in J. Flannagan, ed. Library and
Information Services for the Public: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of
the Papua New Guinea Library Association, PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 47
Nelson Basily, "Training for library work in PNG," Solomon Islands National
Library Newsletter, 2, Feb. 1981, p. 2.
J. Baskin and J. Williams, "The national library contribution to regional
resource development," LAA-NZLA Conference Proceedings, 1981, LAA, Sydney,
"Better than just books," New Nation, 3(1), Feb. 1979, p.28.
Peter Biskup, "Public libraries in Papua New Guinea: some recent
developments," Papua New Guinea Journal of Education , 5(3), February 1968,
pp. 46 - 51.
----, "Wanted: a plan for a public library service for Papua New Guinea,"
Australian Library Journal, 16 (4), 1967, pp. 168 - 173.
"Bliss with Plumbe- a tribute to Wilfred J. Plumbe," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 28, 1981, pp. 3-9.
Albina Bogombari, "Mercy College Library" Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 17,
September 1976, p. 13.
C. Bomboman, "A Day in the life of ...[a librarian at Ela Beach]." New
Nation, 6(9), Nov. 1982, p. 37.
C. Bomboman, "Work experience in Adelaide," in. Professional seminars 1982,
(M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 1-4.
Maggie Bond, "A National Library for PNG," Australian Library Journal ,
28(3),1979, pp. 38-40.
Harold Bonny, Library Services in the South Pacific : a Report made to the
South Pacific Commission. SPC, Noumea, 1962.
"A Bookish sort of knight [Sir John Yocklunn]," Pacific Islands Monthly,
48(5),(May 1977),
p. 31.
"Books for everyone," New Nation, 5(1), March 1981, p. 9.
D.H. Borchardt, "Greetings and congratulations," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
32, 1982, pp. 20-21.
P. Bouraga, "Papua New Guinea Library Association - First Annual Conference
: Opening Address," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 10 , Dec 1974, pp. 7-9.
Jim Bowles, Getting along in Library Studies : a Student Handbook, Port
Moresby, Administrative College, 1983. 12p.
---, "Library education," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 35, September 1984,
---, "Library services for rural schools," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 38,
1986, pp. 47-53.
Paul Brennan, "Librarianship and communication," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
28, 1981, pp.22-27.
Gill Bruwer and Fraiser McConnell, "The secrets of short catalogue and
classification entries," National Library Bulletin, 1(6/7), September /
December 1981, pp. 13-18.
Tim Bruwer, "Characteristics of fiction readers in public libraries," in .
Professional seminars 1982 , (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port
Moresby, 1982, pp. 39-56.
----, "Establishment of RULAG," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 33 , 1983, pp.
Barbara Buick, "No secondhand sewing machines for Niugini, or stocking the
libraries of a new nation," Childrens Libraries Newsletter, 7(1) February
1971. pp. 3 - 5.
George Buick, "Education for librarianship in Papua New Guinea," Australian
Library Journal, 21(2), March 1972, pp. 67 - 68.
----, "Education towards literacy: undeveloped libraries in an undeveloped
country," Australian Book Review: Children's Book and Education Supplement,
1968, pp. 21-22.
----, "Libraries in the Territory of Papua and New Guinea" in Library
Association of Australia 15th Beinnial Conference, Adelaide 1969.
Proceedings. pp. 111 - 120.
----, "New University builds up one of the great libraries on New Guinea"
Pacific Island Monthly, 39 (1) January 1968, pp.71 - 75.
----, "Niugini's National Library," Overland , Spring 1971, pp. 34 - 36.
----, "The University library: the new media and New Guinea culture,"
Journal of the Papua and New Guinea Society, 2(1), 1968, pp. 75-78.
----, "University of Papua New Guinea Library," Hawaii Library Association
Journal, 27(2), December 1970.
----, "UPNG Library," New Guinea and Australia, the Pacific and South East
Asia, 3 (1), March/April 1968, p.67.
Alan Butler, [Letter], Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 10, 1979,
----, "Library spotlight : the University of Papua New Guinea," Pacific
Information and Library Services Newsletter , 6(3), 1983, pp. 1-4.
----, "Life science data project," PNG Biological Foundation Research
Review, 1981, pp. 21-22.
----, "PNG Information Network : a brief report on progress," Kekal Abadi,
4(4), Dec. 1985, pp. 29-30
----, "PNG Information Network : a progress report to 31.12.85," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 37, June 1986, pp. 38-41.
----, "Training librarians in the University of Papua New Guinea,"
Information Development, 2(4),October 1986, pp. 231-233.
Philip Calvert, "The cultural background to school library development in
PNG," International Library Review , 19 , 1987, pp. 179-192.
Philip Calvert, The Development of School Libraries in Papua New Guinea, MLS
Thesis, Loughborough University, 1981.
----, "Education for the high school teacher-librarian," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 33, 1983, pp. 2-10.
----, "In defence of standards : high school library standards in Papua New
Guinea," Information Development, 2(4), 1986, pp. 234-241.
----, "Teachers' College libraries in Papua New Guinea," Australasian
College Libraries, 2(4), 1984, pp. 151-156.
----, "User education in Goroka Teachers' College," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
28, 1981, pp. 44-46.
A.R. Cates, "Village libraries," Read, 5, 1980, pp. 24-26.
George Chandler, "The Papua New Guinea National Library," International
Library Review, 11, 1979, pp. 313-319.
----, "Planning national information systems : Australia with some referenec
to New Zealand and Papua New Guinea," Unesco Bulletin for Libraries, 31(2),
1977. pp. 98-106; 115.
B. Cheetham, [untitled] in Papua New Guinea Library Association. 8th
Conference. pp. 79-82.
Tan Chek -Neng, " The need for enouragement of creative writing in PNG," Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 33, March 1983, pp. 26-29.
R.J. Clarke, "Education resource centre," Papua New Guinea Education
Gazette, 15(1), Feb. 1981, pp. 10-14.
Pauline Cochrane, "Training for library and information services to rural
communities," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 38, 1986, pp. 54-59.
Dianne Collier, "Library Studies at Goroka Teachers College" Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 2, December 1972, pp. 8- 12.
----, "Goroka Teachers College Library" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 2, December
1972. pp. 29 - 31.
Diane Collier, [letter regarding library education at Goroka], Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 15, 1976, p. 25.
J. Collier, "Some linguistic and oral history materials in the New Guinea
Collection," Oral History, 6, 1973, pp. 11-14.
"Conference on the use of audio-visual materials in education and training
in Papua New Guinea," Audiovisual Librarian, 14(1), 1988, pp. 41-43.
Constitution of the Book Council of Papua New Guinea, The Council, Port
Moresby, 1988.
"Constitution of the Papua New Guinea Library Association," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 30, 1982, pp. 47-50.
"Constitution of the School Libraries Association," SLAPper: a periodical of
the Papua New Guinea School Libraries Association (SLAP), 1, April 1993, pp.
Eric Coote, see Leigh Baker Library Stage II: Brief to Architects and
Elizabeth Cox, [Contribution to panel discussion on providing information to
rural people], Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 38, Dec. 1986, pp. 42 - 46.
R.D. Crooke and W. J Plumbe, "Audiovisual / library partnership in a
tropical university" International Library Review, 14(2), 1982, pp. 135-142.
Alice Crossland, ALA Filing Rules, 1980: a Workbook for Diploma Students,
Port Moresby: Administrative College, Library Studies Section, 1984.
Alice Crossland, ALA Filing Rules, 1980: a Workbook for Library Technicians,
Port Moresby: Administrartive College, Library Studies Section, 1984.
Alice Crossland, Librarianship in Papua New Guinea - a Checklist: July 1977
- December 1984, Papua New Guinea Lib. Assoc., Port Moresby, 1985.
Ian Crossland, "School libraries : a time to decide," Papua New Guinea
Journal of Education, 20(1), 1984. Pp. 47-52.
----, The Schools Library Service : the Present Situation and Suggestions
for Future Development, Schools Library Service, Port Moresby, 1981.
---, "Standards for School libraries in PNG," In Ross Shimmon, The Need to
Read: a Report on the Need to Read Seminar, Library Council, 1983. pp.
Andrew Dalziel, "The Papua New Guinea National Bibliography," COMLA
Newsletter, 75, (November, 1992), p. 14.
Tom Dangiaba, "National and Supreme Court Library : past, present and
future," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG,
SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 106-117.
John Dean, Future Requirements for Professional and Subprofessional Library
Education in Papua New Guinea. Perth, Western Australian Institute of
Technology, 1976.
"Developments of information networks in PNG and the Pacific." ASTINFO
Newsletter, 1(2), 1986, pp. 9 - 10.
"Dewey Decimal Classification," National Library Bulletin, 1 (1), Jan - Feb
81, pp. 5 - 6.
Kingsford Dibela, "Speech for the opening of the 10th PNGLA Beinnial
31 August 1983." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 35, Sept. 1984, p. 5.
Harold Dierickx, see John Evans"EUROLIB and SPARDIN : a tale of two
Diploma in Library Science: Present Situation and Possible Course
Development. (Draft) Port Moresby: Administrative College, Library Studies
Section, Dec. 79. 59p.
Directory of Law Libraries in Australia and Papua New Guinea. Chatswood;
NSW: Butterworth, 1979. 73p.
Anthony Donnely, see Patricia Moshong "St. Xavier's High School Library"
H. Doura, "Reaching out: why not establish bookmobiles and village libraries
in Papua New Guinea?" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 23/24, 1978, 2-3.
H. Dunstan, [untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association. 8th
Conference. pp. 135-138.
E.W. Dwyer, "Librarians' Conference," PSC Circular Instruction, 24, 29 June
---, "Librarians' Conference - 10th May, 1956," PSC Circular Instruction,
20, 8 June 1956.
---, "Librarians' conference," PSC Circular Instruction, 16, 7 May 1956.
---, "Library facilities : Public Service Institute." PSC Circular
Instruction, 46, 26 Oct 1956.
Rod East, "Administrative College Library". Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 18,
December 1976, p. 15.
---, Development of a Papua New Guinea Information System : PANGIS, MLib
Thesis, University of Wales, 1977.
---, "Education for Librarianship and Employment in Papua New Guinea" in
Library Association of Australia 17th Beinnial Conference, Perth 1973.
Proceedings pp.179 - 183.
---, "Education for librarianship in Papua New Guinea: some notes" in Ed
Parr and Eric Wainwright, eds., Curriculum design in librarianship (Perth
WAIT AID Inc.) 1974, pp. 111 - 112.
---, "The effect of the Independence Budget on the Administrative College
Library". Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 17, September 1976, pp. 2 - 3.
---, et al "Submission on the role of the public libraries in the community"
Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 12, March/June 1975. p. 16.
"Education II Subproject - Education Resource Centres." Papua New Guinea
Education Gazette, 16(6), July 82, pp. 142-143.
Rhonda Eva, "The Medical Library Network," in Papua New Guinea Libraries
Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 98-105.
---, Prospects of Developing a Medical Library Network for Papua New Guinea,
M.Lib. Thesis, Aberystwyth, 1991.
B. Evans, see Peter Evans "Literacy and the library course"
John Evans, "Across the straits: library development in Papua New Guinea,"
in Libraries : The Heart of the Matter : Proceedings of the Australian
Library and Information Association Second Biennial Conference . ALIA,
Canberra, 1992, pp. 100-103.
---, "Administrative College of Papua New Guinea, Library Studies Section,"
Education for librarianship : Australia, 3(1) , 1986, pp. 46-47.
---, "Administrative College of Papua New Guinea, Library Studies Section,"
Education for librarianship : Australia, 4(2), 1987, pp. 51-53.
---, APINESS Apraisal Seminar, October 5 1995, Report. UPNG, 1995.
--- with H. Ide, "APINESS - Asia Pacific Information Network in the Social
Sciences: an outline" in APINESS Apraisal Seminar, October 5 1995, Report.
UPNG, 1995, pp. 26-27.
--- "APINESS and Papua New Guinea" in APINESS Apraisal Seminar, October 5
1995, Report. UPNG, 1995, pp.32-38.
---, "Attempts at rationalisation of special libraries in Papua New Guinea,"
INSPEL: International Journal of Special Libraries, 21, 1987, pp. 153-162.
---, "Book donations in Papua New Guinea," Focus on International and
Comparative Librarianship, 25(1), 1994, pp. 11-20.
---, "Books, development, and planning for the development of the book in
Papua New Guinea," Administration for development. 2nd Series. No. 2, 1991,
pp. 21 -31.
---, "Botswana: close but far away," Ita Diba, 1(2), 1994, pp. 4-5.
---, "Conferences for librarians in Papua New Guinea," COMLA Newsletter,
71,1991, pp. 12-14.
---, "Continuing education for library and information workers in Papua New
Guinea," Education for librarianship: Australia, 8(1/3), 1991, pp.13 -19.
---, "Continuing professional education : library development aspects,
Continuing Professional Education and IFLA : Past, Present and a Vision for
the Future, (B. Woolls, ed.), Saur, Munich, 1993, pp. 192-201.
--- "Department of Library and Information Studies, University of Papua New
Guinea, 1989-1994" Education for Librarianship and Information Services:
Australia, 12, May 1995, pp. 8-18.
---"Developing higher education libraries in Papua New Guinea" Information
Development, 8(4), 1992, pp. 221-228. [with H.W.Lee]
--- "Development of professional associations in two Pacific Islands
states." Focus on International and Comparative Librarianship. 26, 1995, pp.
---, "Development of higher level courses in librarianship in Papua New
Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk 39, 1987, pp. 28-33.
---, "Distance education and the training of librarians in Papua New
Guinea," Papua New Guinea Journal of Education, 26(2) / 27(1),October 1990 -
April 1991,pp. 225 - 228.
---, "Education for acquisitions/collection development in Papua New
Guinea," Library Acquisitions: Practice and Theory, 14, 1990, pp. 43-52.
---, "Education for librarianship in Pacific island states," Focus on
International and Comparative Librarianship, 20(2), 1989, pp. 25-28.
--- and Ismael Isikel, "Education and training of school-librarians in Papua
New Guinea," Fiji Library Association Journal, 26, 1991, pp. 39 - 44.
--- and Harold Dierickx "EUROLIB and SPARDIN : a tale of two continents"
International Library and Information Review, 28, 1996, pp. 59-78.
---, "Improving the education for information at the University of Papua New
Guinea," Education for Information , 10(2) ,1992, pp. 105 -114.
--- and Ismael Isikel, "Improving the status of teacher-librarians in Papua
New Guinea," Education Libraries Journal, 36(2) , 1993, pp. 1-14.
---, "Information : a neglected resource in PNG schools," in Papua New
Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994,
pp. 200-209.
---, "Information as a resource" - Proceedings of the Information Technology
Seminar 1992, Port Moresby, Information Technology Board.
---, Information for Development Seminar : Papers and Proceedings, UPNG,
DLIS, Port Moresby, 1992.
--- and Andrew Treloar, "Information management and librarianship,"
Education for library and Information Services : Australia, 10 (1), 1993,
pp. 19-26.
---, "An information management programme for Papua New Guinea," FID News
Bulletin, 42(12), 1992, pp. 277-280.
--- and Tumau Tinkepa, "Informing the Goilala : towards the creation of
rural community resource centres in Papua New Guinea," COMLA Newsletter, 67,
1990, pp. 8-10, and 16.
---, "The Joint Board of Library Studies : a device in education for
librarianship in Papua New Guinea," Education for Librarianship - Australia,
7(2/3),1990, pp. 9 - 18.
---, "Libraries and the media" in D. Robie ed. Nius Bilong Pasifik . UPNG
Press, 1995, pp. 141-156.
---, "The Library Council of Papua New Guinea," International Library and
Information Review, 24, 1992, pp. 71-89.
--- and Deveni Temu, "The Library Council of Papua New Guinea : summary of
history and activities," COMLA Newsletter, 66, 1989, pp. 8-10, and 12.
---, "Library education in Papua New Guinea," Libri, 38, 1988, pp. 51-70.
----, "Library planning and Papua New Guinea," COMLA Newsletter, 75, March
1992, pp. 12-14.
----, "The market in the gap : continuing education in the South Pacific,"
IFLA Journal, 19(1), 1993, pp. 59-66.
---, "Meeting of the clans : the information spectrum in Papua New Guinea."
Information Society, 11(2), Apr-Jun, 1995, 101 - 111.
---, "Network development and the Pacific Island States." in S. Skrezewski,
ed. Conference Proceedings: Networking the Pacific. Victoria: BCLA, 1996.
[pp. 60-67 - based on diskette version of publication].
---, Networking in the South Pacific: papers and proceedings of the workshop
held at the Kokoda Trail Motel, Sogeri, 9-10 July. UPNG: DLIS, 1992.
---, "New Guinea" in B.Woods ed. Continuing professional education : an IFLA
guidebook. Munich : Saur, 1991. p. 128
----, "Papua New Guinea" in World Encyclopedia of Library and Information
Services , 3rd ed.,(R.Wedgeworth, ed.), American Library Association,
Chicago, 1993, pp. 649-651.
---, "Papua New Guinea, Libraries In" Encyclopedia of Library and
Information Science, New York : Dekker, 1996. Vol 60.
----, ed., Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus : Selected Papers from
Conferences and Seminars of the University of Papua New Guinea, Department
of Library and Information Studies, 1990-1993, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby,
---, "Papua New Guinea membership in ASTINFO," ASTINFO Newsletter, 4(4),
1989, pp. 8-9.
---, "Papua New Guinea report" In IASL-ATLC Joint Conference, Vancouver
1997. Assembly of Associations Conference Reports, Winnipeg: IASL, 1997. pp.
---, "Papua New Guinea : short courses in librarianship," International
Library Review, 20, 1988, pp. 435-449.
---, "Plans Need People - Problems in Education and Training of Library /
Information Workers' in J.Evans, ed. Planning for Library Development :
Third World Perspectives. Halifax: Dalhousie Univ., 1995. pp. 117-126.
---, "Problems faced in enhancing library education programmes ; a case
study from Papua New Guinea," Education and Training, 6(3), 1989, pp. 67-77.
---,"Problems of continuing education in the South Pacific" Fiji Library
Association Journal, 32, December, 1994, pp. 61-72.
--- and Wesley Peni, Proceedings of the Provincial Information Services
Seminar, Kabakada, 1-3 November 1991, UPNG, DLIS, Port Moresby, 1992.
---, "Professional development, manpower education and training for library
and information services in Papua New Guinea" in P.S. Kawatra, ed. World
Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science Education, Crest Publishing,
1994 - Vol 1, pp. 356-372.
---, "Providing environment and development information through Video
Resource Centres" FID News Bulletin, 47, 1997, pp. 215-219.
---, and D.E.K. Wijasuriya "The Public Library Development Plan for Papua
New Guinea" Information Development, 8(1), 1992, pp. 16-21.
---, "Public library service in Papua New Guinea - the poor get poorer,"
Libraries Alone, 2(1), 1990, pp. 21 -28.
---, "Recent Advances in Plans and Policy for Library Development in Papua
New Guinea" in J.Evans, ed. "Planning for Library Development : Third World
Perspectives." Halifax: Dalhousie Univ., 1995. pp. 127-137.
---, "Reports by Network Members: Papua New Guinea" in APINESS Regional
Advisory Group; Fourth Meeting Report. Bangkok: UNESCO, 1997. pp. 8-9;
----, Report of the Library Development Seminar, 1-3 May, 1991, UPNG, Port
Moresby, 1991.
----, Report of the Workshop on Library Networking in the South Pacific, 9th
and 10th July 1992, UPNG, DLIS, Port Moresby, 1992.
----, "Rural libraries in Papua New Guinea: more theory than practice,"
Libraries Alone, 2(2), 1991, pp. 56-67.
----, "School libraries and training for school librarians in Papua New
Guinea," Education Libraries Bulletin, 31(3) , 1988, pp. 30-42.
---, "Set for change ; library education in Papua New Guinea," Education for
Librarianship : Australia, 5, 1988, pp. 71-76.
---, "Small is not as beautiful as all that: factors affecting network
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---, "The South Pacific Centre for Communication and Information in
Development" Information Development, 10(4), 1994, 263- 268.
--- and Abigail Nixon, "Survey of library training needs for 1986-1990", Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 37, 1986, pp. 47-49.
--- and R Raddon, "Teacher-librarianship in Papua New Guinea - supporting
the grass roots" Education Libraries Journal, 38, 1994, pp. 33-44. [with
--- and R. Raddon, "Teacher-librarianship training in Papua New Guinea -
development through a link scheme" Education for Information, 13(1), 1995,
pp. 41-50. [with R. Raddon]
--- and Ismael Isikel and Rosemary Raddon, "The Teacher-Librarianship
programme in Papua New Guinea," Personnel Education and Training, 9(1),
1992, pp. 25 - 31.
---and Ismael Isikel, "To the Salamo station - book donations in a maritime
province of Papua New Guinea," Focus on International and Comparative
Librarianship, 23(3), 1992, pp. 100-104.
--- and Florence Griffin, "Transcending national barriers : would a South
pacific grouping for library and information services help?" Linkages Over
Space and Time, (M. Jackson, ed.), Univ. of Hawaii, GSLIS, 1991, pp. 27-31.
---, "Transferred function ; the moving of Papua New Guinea's library
school," Education for Librarianship : Australia, 6(1), 1989, pp. 13-19.
---, "Under review - Papua New Guinea's library school," COMLA Newsletter,
57, 1987, pp. 2-3.
---, "Workshops and conference in Papua New Guinea - July 1992" IFLA RASCO
Newsletter, 4(2), December 1992, pp. 2-4. Reprinted in FID/CAO Newsletter,
46, 1992 and IFLA CPERT Update, February 1993.
---, see also Hwa-Wei Lee "Developing higher education libraries in Papua
New Guinea"
Peter Evans, "Literacy and the library in the rural community," PNG
Education Gazette,15(1), 1981, pp. 16-17.
---, and B. Evans, "Literacy and the library course," Read, 17, No 2, Oct.
1982, pp. 39 -40.
John Flanagan, ed., Library and Information Services for the Public:
Proceedings of the 8th PNGLA Conference, 1979. PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981.
Bess Flores, "SCOPAL," COMLA Newsletter, 33, 1981, pp. 5-6.
Eric Flower, "Books borrowed by readers in the adult fiction collection at
Port Moresby Public Library at Ela Beach," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 29,
1981, pp. 59-62.
---, "Catalogue use and catalogue variable costs at Port Moresby Public
Library at Ela Beach," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 31, 1982, pp. 40-44.
---, "An informal survey of juvenile fiction in PNG," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 31, 1982, pp. 19-44.
---, "Library users in Port Moresby," National Library Bulletin, 1(3),
May/June 81, pp.5-6.
(Abridged and revised version of that in Tok Tok, 28 , July 81, pp. 36-43)
---, "Patterns of public library use and financial support in Papua New
Guinea," National Library Bulletin, 1(4) , July - August 1981, pp. 5-13.
---, "Port Moresby public libraries a snapshot in time,". Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 28, 1981, 36 -43.
---, "Public library users in Papua New Guinea: a preliminary description,"
National Library Bulletin, 1 ,(5-6), September-December 1981, pp. 6-9.
---, "Standards for public libraries in PNG," in Ross Shimmon, The Need to
Read: a Report on the Need to Read Seminar, Library Council, 1983. pp. 8 -
---, "Suggestions for a self study of your library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 32, Oct 82, pp. 43 - 52.
---, "What are they reading : an informal survey of adult fiction reading
habits," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 28, 1981, pp. 16-21.
"Fourth National Book Week, 1st-5th August 1983," PNG Education Gazette, 17,
No. 7, Aug. 1983, p. 184.
Michael Freeman, "A library is born : the Gaba Gaba project," Library
Association Record, 89, 1987, pp. 383-84.
Eugene Frosio, "Oceania, Pacific area and Islands of the Pacific," National
Library Bulletin, 1 (5/6), Sept./Dec. 81, pp. 129.
J. Fullerton and Chris Hannan, Report on Automation in the National Library
of Papua and New Guinea, unpublished report dated March 1983.
"Gaba Gaba Community Library opened..." National Library News, 26, 1987, 2.
Joyce Gardner, "The higher courts of PNG," National Library Bulletin, 2(1),
March 1983, pp. 3-4.
---, Special Libraries in Papua New Guinea Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Library Association, 1974.
---,"The state of special libraries in Papua New Guinea" Toktok Bilong Haus
Buk, 19, March 1977, pp. 2 - 6.
--- and Margaret Obi, "Special libraries as information centres" Toktok
Bilong Haus Buk, 10, December 1974, pp. 9 - 15.
Dillie George, "Community library service". Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 13,
September 1975, pp. 15 - 18.
Salote Gideon, "Meeting the information needs of rural communities : report
of group discussion at the 11th PNGLA conference," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
38, Dec. 1986, pp. 32-33.
Shirley Giggey,"A case for a literate Papua New Guinea." in . Professional
Seminars 1982, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp.
---, "Interview," PILS, 6 (2), October, 1982, pp. 82-83.
---, "Library services to rural areas in Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 30, 1982, pp. 27-37.
A. Gilliam, [untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association, 8th
Conference. pp. 73-76.
Neil Godfrey, "University of Papua New Guinea Main Library Building Stage
III, " Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 16, June 1976, pp. 9 - 10.
---, "University of Papua New Guinea Medical Library Building," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 16, June 1976, pp 7 - 9.
Alison Gordon, "International standard book numbering in Papua New Guinea,"
National Library Bulletin, 1(4), 1981, pp. 23-24.
---, "Jurisdictional points of access for Papua New Guinea," National
Library Bulletin, 1(1), 1981, pp. 8-11. (Cataloguing Working Paper, 3)
---, "Papua New Guinea Bibliographic Standards Working Party," National
Library Bulletin, 1(2), 1981, pp. 8-9.
---, "PNG National Bibliography," National Library Bulletin, 1(1), 1981, p.
--- and Fraiser McConnell, "A union list of serials in PNG libraries," New
Zealand Libraries, 41(4), 1978, pp. 121-123.
Tom Gordon, "Be free - read," Papua New Guinea Education Gazette, 7(8),
September 1973, pp. 180 - 182.
---, "Education for librarianship" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 14, December
1975, p.3 -8.
---, "The future of rural libraries in Papua New Guinea" Administration for
Development, 2, July 1974. p. 9 - 12.
---,"Library extension activities" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 4, June 1973,
pp. 19 -21.
---, "Library Studies 1976" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 13, September1975, p.
---, "Outreach" in Penny Bailey et al, eds. Libraries in an Independent
Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea Library Association and
Papua New Guinea Branch, Library Association of Australia, 1974.
---, "Primary School Libraries" Papua New Guinea Education Gazette , 5(2),
March 1971, pp. 37 - 39.
G.E. Gorman and M.Mahoney, "Current national bibliographies in developing
countries of the Commonwealth," Libri, 33(3), Sept. 1983, pp.177-189. Also
see their Guide to Current National Bibliographies in the Third World.
Munich: Zell, 1983 pp. 224-230 for PNG..
A. Green, Report on the Automation of the Papua New Guinea Information
Network, 1983. 20 p.
K. Green and M. Helai, "The Papua New and New Guinea archives :
establishment and development," Journal of Pacific History, 6(1), 1971, pp.
164 - 169.
---, "Towards a national register of the archival sources on Papua New
Guinea," Archives and Manuscripts, 6(4), 1975, pp. 120-125.
J. Goddard, "Role of the school library in a rural day high school," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 32, 1982, 53-54.
A. Grenfell Price, Memorandum on the New Guinea Library Service
(unpublished, held by the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea
Library) 1964.
Andrew Griffin, "Computerisation in the New Guinea Collection," Archives and
Manuscripts, 13(2), 1985, pp. 178-180.
---, "Computerisation of the cataloguing of archives and manuscripts in the
New Guinea Collection, University of Papua New Guinea Library," Journal of
the Society of Archivists, 8(1), 1986, pp. 49-50.
---, "Four years in Paradise," COMLA Newsletter, 60 , 1988, pp. 10-11.
Florence Griffin, "A case for libraries," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 29, 1981,
pp. 17-18.
---, see also John Evans "Transcending national barriers : would a South
Pacific grouping for library and information services help?"
"Group discussion : information in rural communities," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 38, 1986, pp. 31-33.
"Guidelines for subject heading analysis - draft working paper," National
Library Bulletin, 2 (1) March 1983, p. 4.
Joe Hallein, "School libraries in Australia and the Pacific Islands," in
Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port
Moresby, 1994, pp. 190-199.
Chris Hannan, see J. Fullerton Report on Automation in the National Library
of Papua and New Guinea
A. Harland, "Learning with libraries," New Nation, 3(9), Oct. 1979, pp.
Wendy Harrington, "A buk go: a report on a village mobile library in PNG,"
Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 9, 1974, pp. 4-11.
---, "A buk go," Read, 13(2), 1978, pp. 67-72.
---, "The School Leavers buk box project," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 17,
September 1976. p. 4 - 10 and 18, December 1976 p. 2 - 8.
---, "The school leavers' buk box project," COMLA Newsletter, 17, Aug. 1977,
pp. 25-28.
---, The Theory and Practice of Non-formal Education in Developing
Countries: Case Studies from Papua New Guinea, University of Manchester,
Centre for Adult and Higher Education, Manchester, 1987.
Jacob Havelawa, Problems of archival development in Papua New Guinea, Paper
presented to the Fourth PARBICA Biennial Conference and Training Seminar,
Wellington, New Zealand, 10-23 April, 1989. Mimeo.
M. Helai, see K. Green "The Papua New and New Guinea archives :
establishment and development"
History and Functions of the University of Papua New Guinea Library, The
Library, Port Moresby, [1986].
E.P. Hoare, "Consideration of some planning factors and standards relating
to university libraries in tropical developing countries," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 25 and 26, 1978, pp. 16-27.
---, A Medical Library Service in PNG, MLS Thesis, University of
Loughborough, 1981.
Dika Hoi, "Librarianship is a profession," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 27,
1980, 7-11.
---, "Library extension activities: the Porebada experience," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 31, 1982, pp. 31-39.
Harold Holdsworth, The Development of Library Services in Papua New Guinea:
Report on a Consultancy Visit to Papua New Guinea in September 1975. London:
Commonwealth Foundation, 1976.
---, "Library education and training," COMLA Newsletter, 23/24 , 1979, pp.
---, Report to the Commonwealth Foundation on a Visit to Papua New Guinea to
Assess the Role of Libraries There. Suva, Fiji: University of the South
Pacific, 1975.
Barry Holloway, "The challenge," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 36, 1985,
---, "Keynote address," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 35, 1984, pp. 6-10.
Ikini Holloway, "Opening speech to 9th. annual conference of the PNGLA," Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 22, 1977, pp.12-15.
Carl Hopkins, "Library profile : the War Museum Library," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 32, 1982, pp. 38-41.
Alan Horder, "Microfiche production at the Papua New Guinea University of
Technology," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 37 , 1986, pp. 31-33.
L.J. Howe, "Bulolo Public Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25/26, 1978,
pp. 28-29.
Rachel Howells, Library related media developments in Papua New Guinea, MLib
Thesis, College of Librarianship Wales, 1983.
Eni Iava, "Kerevat Senior High School Library" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 8,
June 1974. pp. 18.
H. Ide, see John Evans "APINESS - Asia Pacific Information Network in the
Social Sciences: an outline"
B. Ikon, "Bookmobile library service to the rural areas," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 36, 1985, pp. 16-19.
Wendy Ikupu and Jim Maguire, Directory of Libraries in Papua New Guinea,
National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1992.
Information Review Committee, Report of the Review of Information Services
in Papua New Guinea, The Committee, Port Moresby, 1979.
Ismael Isikel, see John Evans "To the Salamo station - book donations in a
maritime province of Papua New Guinea"
---, see John Evans "Improving the status of teacher-librarians in Papua New
---, see John Evans "Education and training of school-librarians in Papua
New Guinea"
---, see John Evans "The Teacher-Librarianship programme in Papua New
Guinea," Personnel Education and Training, 9(1), 1992, pp. 25 - 31.
Andrew Itae, "School Library Service developments, 1992/93," in Papua New
Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994,
pp. 234-237.
Watorea Ivara, "My course at the Western Australian Institute of
Technology," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 22, 1977, pp.2-3.
Mary Jackson, Librarianship in Papua New Guinea, [Bachelors] Thesis, Leeds,
Miles Jackson, "Education of library and information professionals in the
Pacific islands," FID News Bulletin, 42(12), 1992, pp. 281-284.
---, International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Librarianship.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1981. see pp. 373-374.
---, "Library education and training in Oceania," International Library
Review, 11(2), 1979, pp. 301-309.
---, "Library and information services in the Pacific Islands,"
International Library Review, 13(1), 1981, pp. 25-41. .
---, Report on Libraries in the Pacific Islands: an Impression March 17
through April 19, 1978. Washington, DC: ERIC, 1978. 10p
---, Teachers College Libraries in Papua New Guinea: a report for the Asia
Foundation and the Library Services and Teacher Education Divisions of the
Department of Education, Government of Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby ,
Department of Education, 1981. 45 p.
Richard Jackson, "Libraries as tools for research and development," Tok Tok
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M. Jeffreys, "Papua New Guinea Library Association: first annual conference;
some post-conference thoughts from Goroka Branch", Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
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M. Josephs, "Review of NULOS," COMLA Newsletter, 25, 1979, p. 47.
Sam Kaima, "Archives and records management education in Papua New Guinea,"
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---, "Archives and records management training in Papua New Guinea," COMLA
Newsletter, 76/77, June/September 1992, pp. 20-24.
---, "The development of a series of short workshops in archives and records
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---, "School libraries and community libraries: why not combine the two into
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---, Library development, resource sharing, and networking among higher
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"Library and information services in a predominantly oral society:
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38,1986, pp. 4-59.
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Enquiry into Higher Education, Port Moresby: The Branch, 1971.
--- ---, Ideas for promoting Library Week in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby:
The Branch, 1972.
--- ---, Committee to Investigate the Formation of a Papua New Guinea
Library Association. Report, Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 5, September 1973,
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The Council, 1982. 3p.
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Education Gazette, 5(8), September 1971, pp. 187 - 190.
"Library services in Papua New Guinea," Unesco Bulletin for Libraries, 9,
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Proccedings, pp.82 -98.
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Bilong Haus Buk, 14, December 1975, pp. 10 - 12.
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Jan-Feb. 81, pp. 1
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Bilong Haus Buk, 31, 1982, pp. 28-30.
"Literacy and the library," in Library and Information Services for the
Public: proceedings of the 8th PNGLA Conference, 1979, (J. Flanagan, ed.),
PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 61-88.
Paul Lokei, "The role of customs in the prevention of prohibited imports,"
in . Professional seminars 1982, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port
Moresby, 1982, pp. 6-9.
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Nancy Lutton, "1972 and all that," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus,
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---, "Archives and national identity in PNG," Archives and Manuscripts,
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---, "Archives in a developing country : The Papua New Guinea situation,"
Georgia Archive, 5(2), 1977, pp.33-43.
---, "The beginnings of Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
32, 1982, pp. 6 -13.
---, Directory of Libraries in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby: Papua New
Guinea Lib. Assoc., 1974.
---, "From Port Moresby to Perth," Archives and Manuscripts, 9(1),September
1981, pp. 30-38.
---, "Independence and Libraries in Papua New Guinea" Australian Library
Journal, 22(9), October 1973, pp. 242 -249
---, "Librarianship in PNG - where is it going - 2.What is happening to
archives in PNG ?." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25/26, 1978, pp. 5-6.
---, "National Archives and Public Records Service : past and present," in
Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port
Moresby, 1994, pp. 162-165.
---, "The New Guinea Collection," Man in New Guinea, 6(3), Sep. 1974, p. 13.
---, "The New Guinea Collection : University of Papua New Guinea Library,"
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---, "Papua New Guinea Library Association - first Annual Conference : Some
general impressions." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 10, Dec. 1974, pp. 3-4
---, "Report from the Committee to investigate the formation of a Papua New
Guinea Library Association," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 4, June 1973, pp.
11-18. - continued in 5, pp. 11 - 15
---, "Researchers, permits and archival sources in Papua New Guinea,"
Archives and Manuscripts, 7 (1), Aug.1977, pp. 19-27.
---, "The University of Papua New Guinea Library and national library
service" in Library Association of Australia 17th Biennial Conference, Perth
1973, Proceedings, pp. 183 - 186.
---, "University of Papua New Guinea's special collection of New Guineana,"
Span, 6, April 1978, pp. 21-24.
---, "What editing means to me." Archives and Manuscripts, 13 (2), Nov.
1985, pp. 137 -144.
---, see alsoPenny Bailey ed, Libraries in an Independent Papua New Guinea,
Timil Lyakin, "What are books to a country?" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 37,
1986, pp. 4-11.
John Lynch, "A note on Papua New Guinea language treatment in Library of
Congress subject headings," National Library Bulletin, 2(1), March 83, p.
Jim Maguire, "Advisory Branch of the National Library Service," in Papua New
Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994,
pp. 69-70.
---, see also Wendy Ikupu, Directory of Libraries in Papua New Guinea
Selina Mainga, "Librarian's role in Papua New Guinea at present and in
future," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 30, 1982, pp. 7-20.
---, "Librarianship in PNG - where is it going - 4. The future of
librarianship," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25/26, 1978, pp. 9-11.
C. Mamui, "Library service to a community," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 28,
1981, pp. 47-51.
---, "The need for reading rooms,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 28, 1981, pp.
Kaili Mara, "A report on the bookshop practical course, " Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 29, Sept. 81, pp.52-56.
Felicitas Maris, "Public library and the rural community -whose problem?"
Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 38, 1986, pp.16 -30.
Alfred Mashembo, "The rural libraries situation," in PNG libraries in a
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E. Mataio, "Gavien library," New Nation, 6 (6), Aug. 1982, p. 12.
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1(4),1981, pp. 14-18.
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---, LCSH Subdivision Practice Relating to Islands, with Particular
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---, Proposals for the Revision of the Melanesian Portions of DDC 19, table
2, National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1983.(Cataloguing Working Paper,
---, Proposals for the Revision of the Melanesian Portions of DDC 19, table
5, National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1983. (Cataloguing Working Paper,
---, Proposals for the Revision of the Melanesian Portions of DDC 19, table
6, National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1983. (Cataloguing Working Paper,
---, A Study of the Usefulness of the National Union List of Serials, Port
Moresby, [1984?]. Mimeo.
---, "A study of the National Union List of Serials and recommendations for
the third edition." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 36, Sept. 1985, pp. 22 - 32.
---, see also Gill Bruwer "The secrets of short catalogue and classification
---, see also Alison Gordon "A union list of serials in PNG libraries," New
Zealand Libraries, 41(4), 1978, pp. 121-123.
L.H. McGrath, A Working Paper on School Libraries in Papua New Guinea, 1981.
P. Mehegan, "The PNG identity : Related to books," PNG Education Gazette, 16
(7), 1982, pp. 183 - 185.
P. Mehegan, [untitled article], in Library and Information Services for the
Public: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Papua New Guinea Library
Association, PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 35-45.
Roslyn Membrey, "Development of the Public Library Service of Papua New
Guinea in the 1970's : a personal recollection, "in Papua New Guinea
Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp.
---, "Librarianship in PNG - where is it going - 1. We know where we are
going," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 25/26, 1978, pp. 3-4.
---, "A National Library Service for Papua New Guinea." In: Libraries in an
Independent Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby: Papua New Guinea Library
Association, 1974. p.20
---, "A new nation's library: Papua New Guinea progresses," Australian
Library News, 10 (2), March 1980.
---, "The Papua New Guinea public library service," Australian Public
Library Issues, 3(1), 1975, pp. 3 -7.
---, "The Public Library Service and the School Library Service in Papua New
Guinea," in Outpost: Australian Librarianship '73: Proceedings of the
Library Association of Australia 17th Biennial Conference, Perth, Westbooks,
1973. pp. 186 -190.
---, "Success in Papua," Library Association Record, 82(2) , 75 (February
---, [Thoughts on the problems and future of the National Library Service.]
Papua New Guinea Library Association 8th. Conference, pp. 29 -33.
Andrew Mickleburgh, "The place of the vernacular in PNG's libraries," Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 32, 1982, pp. 55-57.
Brian Miller, "Books are only important if you have them," in . Professional
seminars 1982, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp.
Elizabeth Miller, "Kondiu High School Library," Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 16,
June 1976, pp. 14 -15.
Mary Milne, "Has this book a reader : PNG students write about fiction
preferences," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 27, 1980, pp. 17-23.
B. Mitcheson, Report on a study of space requirements on the libraries of
the University of Papua New Guinea : 12-23 November, 1984, Unpublished
report, 1984.
Mary Mortimer, "Kaugere Community Library - promise or failure?" Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk 12, March/June 1975, pp. 12 - 15.
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1976, pp. 12 - 13.
Patricia Moshong and Anthony Donnely, "St. Xavier's High School Library" Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 17, September 1976. pp. 13 - 14.
"National Archives and Public Records Services," PNG Education Gazette,
18(7), Aug. 1984, pp.164 -165.
"National Book Week 1980 : a report," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 28, 10-13
(July 1981).
"National Book Week 1984," Papua New Guinea Education Gazette, 18(6),
146-147 (July 1984).
National Book Week, 6-10 August 1984. Report , Port Moresby: PNG Library
Association, 1984. 8p.
"National Book Week Report, 1986," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 38, Dec. 1986,
pp. 60 - 61.
National Information and Communications Policy of Papua New Guinea, Ministry
of Information and Communications, Port Moresby, 1993.
National Library Service of Papua New Guinea, 16 mm. Film Catalogue, 1986,
The Service, Port Moresby, 1986.
---, Collection Development Policy, The Library, Port Moresby, 1988.
---, "National Library and the medium term development strategy," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 36, 33-41 (1985).
---, The National Library of Papua New Guinea: a report, 1978-1985, National
Library Service, Port Moresby, 1986.
---, Official Opening. Port Moresby: The Library, 1978. 4p
---, Reference for PNG libraries: annotated list of reference books .
Waigani: National Library, 1983.
---, Public Library Service. Procedures Manual for Public Libraries in Papua
New Guinea. Port Moresby: National LibraryService, 1983. 53p.
---, School Library Service. Draft Library Syllabus, Grades 7-10, The
Service, Port Moresby, [1985?].
--- ---, Library Index for Use in Community School Libraries. Port Moresby:
the Library, [1981] 16p
--- ---, Library Manual for Secondary Schools Grade 9-10 in PNG. Waigani :
the Library, 1979
--- ---, Simplified Dewey Classification Scheme and Subject Headings for
High Schools in Papua New Guinea. Port Moresby: NLS, 1982. 137p.
--- ---, What shall I read? Community School Library Manual. Waigani:
National Library, 1978. 24p.
--- Technical Service Department. "Standard card formats." National Library
Bulletin, 1(2), April 1981, p. 11.
"National Library Service : a profile," PNG Education Gazette, 17(8),
Sept.1983, pp. 229-232.
National Union List of Serials Held in Papua New Guinea Libraries, 2nd ed/
Wendy Wright, National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1981.
The Need for Libraries : Policy Statement, Port Moresby: PNG Library
Association, [198-]. 4p.
New Guinea Bibliography. Vol 1/edited by Alan Butler. Waigani: UPNG Press,
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"New Library building at Port Moresby In-Service College," PNG Education
Gazette, 16(6), July 1982, p. 163.
"New National Library building, monument of close PNG-Australia ties." Hiri,
Oct. 1978, p 4-5.
"New Library buildings: National Library of Papua New Guinea." Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 18, December 1976, pp. 9-14.
Neil Nicholls, "1990's : a new decade for school librarianship," in Teaching
in Papua New Guinea : a perspective for the 90's, (B. Avalos and L.
Neuendorf, eds.), UPNG Press, Port Moresby, 1991, pp. 225-232.
---, "National Library Service : whither next," in Papua New Guinea
Libraries Plus, (J. Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp.
---, "Neither fish, fowl, nor good red herring..." Fiji Library Association
Journal, 30, December 1993, pp. 111- 128.
---, "Papua New Guinea" in ALIAS : Australia's Library, Information and
Archives Services : an Encyclopedia of Practice and Practitioners, ALIA
Press, Sydney, 1989. Vol. 2, pp. 174-177.
---, "Papua New Guinea's library and archive legislation," COMLA Newsletter,
75, 1992, pp. 15-16.
T. Ningakun, "Using DDC and Library of Congress subject headings in
libraries in PNG," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 29, Sept. 1981, pp. 45-49.
Abigail Nixon, see John Evans "Survey of library training needs for
Mary Niura, "Kanudi Fisheries Research Library" in . Professional seminars
1982, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 29-31.
M. O'Grady, UPNG Library : [ results of survey carried out May / June 1977],
The Library, UPNG, 1977.
Maureen O'Sullivan, "New Guinea Research Unit Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 4, June 1973, pp. 26 - 28.
Margaret Obi, "Dear Tok Tok," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 32, 1982, pp. 16-18.
---, Directory of Libraries in Papua New Guinea, 2nd. ed., Port Moresby:
Papua New Guinea Library Association, 1976.
---, "Papua New Guinea - case for a national information policy," in
National Information Policies for the Asia Oceania Region : Proceedings of
the Eleventh General Assembly and Congress of the FID/CAO, 1990, (I.Dickson
and L.Dwyer, eds.), FID/CAO., Melbourne, 1991, pp. 53-69.
---, PNG Libraries in a Nutshell, Administrative College, Port Moresby,
---, "PNGLA President's report, 1976/77," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 22, 1977,
pp. 15-16.
---, Professional Seminars 1982, Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982.
---, "Rural libraries and literacy,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 20/21, 1977,
pp. 3-12 - also in Administration for Development, 9, 1977, pp. 22-35.
---, "The slow growth of professionalism in Papua New Guinea librarianship;
some observations," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.),
UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 118-123.
---, "A student looks at the relevance of the Library Officer's Course at
the Administrative College" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 2, December 1972,
---, see also Joyce Gardner "Special libraries as information centres" Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 10, December 1974, pp. 9 - 15.
R. Okona, "Village self-help with help from friends," New Nation, November
1981, pp. 10-11.
Agnes Paliau, "Using our library in Mathematics," PNG Education Gazette,
11(3), April 1977, p. 80.
"Papua New Guinea National Library opening - 30 October, 1978," Australian
High Commission Newsletter, 3 (21), Oct. 13 1978, p.1.
"Papua New Guinea Book Awards,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, June 1986, p.12.
Papua New Guinea. Dept of Education. National Objectives for Teachers'
College Courses : Library Skills, The Department, Port Moresby, 1986.
--- ---, School Libraries Branch. Selected Classification Numbers for
Community Schools in Papua New Guinea. 1978-79.
--- --- ---, Selected Classification Numbers for Secondary School Libraries
in PNG. Waigani: School Libs Branch, 1980
--- --- ---, Subject headings list for Schools in PNG. Waigani: School
Libraries Branch, 1978
--- ---, Teacher Education Division, Library Workshop, 18-24 March 1990, The
Division, Port Moresby, [1990].
---, Department of Information and Extension Services. "National Library
Service established" Papua New Guinea Release No. 80056. 15 January 1975.
---, Department of Labour. Manpower Planning Unit. Library Manpower in Papua
New Guinea 1971 - 1976 (Port Moresby, The Unit) 1971.
---, Department of Southern Highlands Province, Education Services Branch,
Library Services Development Plan: 1991-95,. The Branch, Mendi, 1990.
---, Inter-departmental Committee on the Feasibility of a National Library
Service, Report, The Committee, Port Moresby, 1974.
---, National Executive Council. Decision 13/77. National Library Service.
---, National Library and Archives Act 1993. (No. 31 of 1993)
"Papua New Guinea University of Technology Library Papua New Guinea
Collection," PILS Newsletter, 3(1), 1979, p. 6.
Papua New Guinea Library Association. "Submission on the National Youth
Service." Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 6, 1973, pp.9-10.
---, "Lae Branch. Annual Report 1985." Tok Tok Bilong Hau s Buk, 38, Dec.
1986, p. 62.
---, Working Party on the Establishment of an Inter-Library Loan Code. Draft
Interlibrary Loan Code for Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby, 1983.
Daniel Paraide, "Raun raun haus buk: the Rabaul mobile library service,"Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 37, 1986, pp. 21 -29.
Jennifer Parascos, "Libraries, communication and the mass media," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, September 1974, pp. 13 - 15.
Karina Parina, "AACR2 headings,"National Library Bulletin, 2(1), March 1983,
pp. 8 - 9.
---, "Different types of books and how to use them," PNG Education Gazette,
14(8), 1980, pp. 154-157.
---, "Government Departments authority file," National Library Bulletin, 1
(5/6), Sept/Dec 81, pp. 21 - 23.
S.A. Patchett, An Information Service for PTC: a Report of a Survey of the
Engineering Library Prepared for the Post and Telecommunication Corporation,
Matheson Library, Lae, 1987.
---, "Liklik micro: automation in the Matheson Library as a prototype for
small third world libraries," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 40, 1987, pp. 4-7.
---, see also Leigh Baker A Proposal for a Common Staff Classification for
Libraries in Papua NewGuine
Wesley Peni,see John Evans Proceedings of the Provincial Information
Services Seminar, Kabakada, 1-3 November 1991
Angela Philip, "The reading habit : a missing link between literacy and
libraries," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG,
SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 178-189.
Merilee Pigram. Library filing: a workbook, by Merrilee Pigram; revised by
Ross Shimmon. Waigani: Administrative College, 1980. 70p.
Alice Pinu, "The Role of the library in community schools." In Obi, M, ed.
Professional Seminars, 1982. Pp. 88 - 90.
W. J Plumbe, see R.D.Crooke also "Audiovisual / library partnership in a
tropical university"
Hans Possin, "The Library and its role in education" Spectrum, 1(2),
December 1970, pp. 6 - 7.
V.W. Prescott, "The Territory archives," Journal of the Public Service,
4(3), Dec. 1982, pp. 124-126.
"Priorities in Library Service in Papua New Guinea." Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 1, 1972, pp. 2-6.
"Providing information to rural people : a panel discussion,"Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 38, 1986, pp. 39-46.
Rosemary Raddon, see John Evans"Teacher-librarianship in Papua New Guinea -
supporting the grass roots"
---, see John Evans "The Teacher-Librarianship programme in Papua New
---, see John Evans "Teacher-librarianship training in Papua New Guinea -
development through a link scheme"
Eve Rannells,"Notes from New Guinea," Golden Gate Chapter American Society
of Indexers, 2(4), Aug. 1984, pp.1,6.
---, "The Pacific Legal Information Network," Information Development ,
10(1), March 1994, pp. 25-27.
---, see also Mary Ann Lea, Checklist of Current Papua New Guinea
Jackson Rannells, Directory of Libraries in Papua New Guinea, 3rd.ed., Papua
New Guinea Library. Association, 1986.
---, "Reflections: indexing the Times of Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 37, June 1986. pp. 35-37.
Radha Rasmussen, "Reaching out -access to library based information services
in the rural areas of Papua New Guinea," in Library and Information Services
for the Public: Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the Papua New Guinea
Library Association, PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 91-120.
Selina Rauka, "Community library service at Kerevat Senior High School," Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 17, September 1976. p. 11 and 19, March 1977.
M. Redman, Public library usage survey, October 1980, final report.
Administrative Co llege, Port Moresby, 1980.
Report on National Book Week Activities, 2-6 August 1982, Port Moresby:
PNGLA, 1982. 8p.
"Resolutions adopted at the 9th PNGLA Conference held at Port Moresby, 29th
September - 1 October 1981."Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 30, Apr.1982, p. 46.
J. Richardson,"Libraries and the neoliterate," International Library Review,
15,1983, pp.9-13.
---, "The Plight of the neo-literate in Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 31, 1982, 25-27.
S.W. Richardson, "Libraries in Papua New Guinea : A brief overview," Dixson
Library Report, 1(3), Spring 1982, pp. 3-5.
---, Report on the Feasibility of Converting the Library Card Catalogue at
the Papua New Guinea University of Technology to a
Computer-Output-Microfiche.1982. 54 p.
A. Riley, "COM comes to Unitech," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 34,1984,
Alice Ritmeta, Rabaul Bookmobile Library Service : a detailed report on the
Bookmobile Library Service since its establishment in 1986, Rabaul Public
Library, unpublished report dated 16 June 1989.
---, "Rabaul Public Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 19, March 1977. p.
Bruce Roberts, The Development of Library Services in Papua New Guinea
(unpublished, held by the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea
Library) 1961.
Jane Robertson, "Library Service in Papua New Guinea as I see it" Toktok
Bilong Haus Buk 3, March 1973. p. 13 - 16.
Ernest Roe, "School libraries in Papua New Guinea" in J.E. Lowrie, ed School
Libraries: International Developments (Metuchen, N.J., Scarecrow) 1972.
Marjorie Roe, "The Educational Materials Centre at the University of Papua
New Guinea" in Library Association of Australia 15th Beinnial Conference,
Adelaide 1969, Proceedings pp. 603 -605.
---, Library resources questionnaire: a report, Port Moresby: Library
Association of Australia, Papua New Guinea Branch, 1972.
---, "Relevance of libraries to Papua New Guinea," Australian Library
Journal, 22(9), October 1973, pp. 335 - 342.
E. Rogers, "A look to the future," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 5, September
1973, pp. 16 - 19.
Rural Libraries Handbook and Procedures Manual, Port Moresby: PNGLA, Rural
Libraries Advisory Group, 1984.
"Rural libraries," New Nation, June 1982, p. 38.
Nancy Ruruga, "Popondetta Public Library" Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 8, June
1974. p. 19
Joy Sahumlal, [ Liklik Buk Information Centre, Contribution to panel
discussion on
Providing information to rural people,] Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 38, Dec
1986, pp.41-42.
B. Sali, "Information services for the 1980's,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 33,
1983, pp. 36-40.
M. Samuels, "Library life in Papua New Guinea," New Library World, No. 986,
1982, pp. 111-113.
Colin Savage, "A structured programme for the library period,"PNG Education
Gazette, 16(7), August 1982, pp. 178-182.
"The Scandal of our libraries," Papua New Guinea Post Courier, 28 July 1986,
"School libraries," PNG Education Gazette,7(6), July 1973, pp. 126-127.
"School Library Association News," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 1, October 1972,
pp. 8-9. See also news in following issues.
"School library course for high school teachers," PNG Education Gazette,
17(7), Aug. 1983, pp. 185-186.
Alex Scott, "The place of school libraries in education,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 33, March 1983, pp.11-13.
---, "The role of the library in high school education," In Margaret Obi,
Professional Seminars 1982, pp.85-87.
Kenneth Scott, ed., ISBN User's Manual: a Publisher's Guide to the
International Standard Book Numbering System in Papua New Guinea, 2nd. ed.,
National Library Service, Port Moresby, 1990.
Nick Scott,[untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association 8th
Conference, pp. 139-140.
Samesa Sea, [untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association 8th
Conference, pp. 143-144.
Wendy Seeto, see also Penny Bailey ed, Libraries in an Independent Papua New
Ross Shimmon, "The Library Council of Papua New Guinea," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 35, 1984, pp.23-28.
---, The Need to Read: a Report on the Need to Read Seminar, Library
Council, 1983.
---,"Papua New Guinea's Library School," Pacific Information and Library
Services Newsletter, 6(3), Jan. 1983, p 2.
---, "Position classifications and salaries for library workers in the
Public Service," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 31, 47-48 (1982).
---, Shelving: a workbook, Port Moresby: Administrative College, 1979.
---, see also Sally-Ann Bagita "From authors to libraries"
E. Silachot, [untitled paper,] in Papua New Guinea Library Association 8th
Conference, pp. 77-78.
Jennifer Shone, "Department of Forests Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 3,
March 1973 pp. 21 -22.
Short History of the Government Printing Office, 1988-1973. Port Moresby:
GPO, 1973.
Daniel Sijam, "Why read? The school library's role," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 5, September 1973, pp. 21 - 23.
Rocky Sikapien, "Wewak Public Library," Toktok Bilong Haus Buk, 20, June
1977. p. 24.
P. Sinclair,"History of Wildlife Division,"National Library Bulletin,
1(5/6), Sept/Dec 81, p. 10.
---, "Note on Wildlife publications,"National Library Bulletin, 1(5/6),
Sept/Dec 81, p. 11.
Kate Smith, "Children's literature," In Obi, M. Libraries in a Nutshell, pp.
---, "Fantasy in children's literature,"Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 32, Oct
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Michael Smithies, Reading Habits at the University of Technology, University
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Justine Solien, "National Book Week '82 in Lae : a report," Tok Tok Bilong
Haus Buk, 32, October 1982, pp.58-59.
Paul Songo, "The role of librarians in education," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
30, 1982, pp. 38-45.
Anne Speakman, "Kila Kila School," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 5, September
1973, pp. 27 - 29.
Jan Spence, "Report of the Public Library dilemma," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
13, September 1975. pp. 9 - 10.
M. St. Michael, "Christ the King High School Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 17, September 1976. pp. 11 - 12.
"Standards for school libraries in Papua New Guinea," PNG Education Gazette,
17(5), June 1983, pp. 127-130.
"State of libraries for the public in Papua New Guinea," in Library and
Information Services for the Public: Proceedings of the 8th PNGLA
Conference, 1979, (J. Flanagan, ed.), PNGLA, Port Moresby, 1981, pp. 27-60.
H. Stevenson, "Books as a school resource," PNG Education Gazette, 13(7),
1979, pp.161-163.
Submission to the Information Review Committee prepared by the Staff of the
Library Studies Section of the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea,
Unpublished document dated November 1979.
"A Success story: Gavien Community Library," PNG Education Gazette, 16,
1982, pp.176-177.
I. Tau, "School of Librarianship. Canberra College of Advanced Education :
its relevance to a Papua New Guinean librarian," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk,
2, Dec. 1972, pp. 15-18.
Jeannie Taupa, "The Research Library, Department of Education," Tok Tok
Bilong Haus Buk, 16, June 1976, pp.13 - 14.
Kwamalau Tawali, [untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association.
8th Conference, pp. 69-72.
"Teachers Colleges Libraries in Papua New Guinea," PILS, 5(1), July 81, p.
Maria Teka, "Libraries as information centres in PNG," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 20/21, 1977, pp. 28-38.
---, "Bank of Papua New Guinea research Library." in . Professional Seminars
1982, M.Obi, ed., Administrative College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 22-24.
Deveni Temu, "The information needs of two Papuan communities," in -Ethics
of development : the 17th Waigani Seminar, Background Papers, University of
PNG, Port Moresby, 1986. v.3, pp. 1-17.
---, "Extending school library and community information services to a
scattered population," IFLA Journal , 7 , 1981, pp. 233-241.
---, see also John Evans "The Library Council of Papua New Guinea : summary
of history and activities"
H. Thompson, "Libraries in the schools of Papua and New Guinea," Papua New
Guinea Journal of Education, 5(3), February 1968, pp. 52 - 56.
Richard Thompson, "Books for Papua New Guinea," Journal of the Public
Service of the Territory of Papua New Guinea, December 1961.
---, "Librarianship in PNG - where is it going. The needs of library
education," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk , 25/26, 1978, pp. 6-8.
---, "Library training and reader education in Papua New Guinea" in Library
Association of Australia 17th Biennial Conference, Perth, 1973. Proceedings.
pp. 165 - 178.
N. Thomson,"Library services,"PSC Circular Instruction, 30, 28 May 1957.
---, "Public Service Institute Library," PSC Circular Instruction, 47, 13
Sinuwe Tienare, "Vudal Agricultural College Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus
Buk, 19, March 1977, p. 10.
Tumau Tinkepa, "Prospects for community information centres," in Papua New
Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994,
pp. 238-240.
---, see also John Evans "Informing the Goilala : towards the creation of
rural community resource centres in Papua New Guinea"
Tuarong Tioti, "Planning in PNG and the role of a National Library Service,"
in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG, SPCenCIID, Port
Moresby, 1994, pp. 36-47.
Linus Tohiana, "Libraries in provincial high schools should become community
libraries," National Library Bulletin , 1, 1980, pp.12-14.
"Tok Tok's tenth birthday," COMLA Newsletter, 39, March 1983, p.15.
Julie Tokam, "The School Library Services," PNG Education Gazette , 13(7),
163-164 (July 1979).
---, "Using the School Libraries Office," PNG Education Gazette, 12(7), July
1978, pp. 175-176.
C. Treagust, "What to buy for your school library," TESLA, 4(3), July 1986,
pp. 81-83
Andrew Treloar, see John Evans "Information management and librarianship"
Ben Tucker, "Response to "jusisdictional points of access for PNG," National
Library Bulletin, 1(3), May/June 1981, pp. 10-12.
Philip Umba, "Hohola Public Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 29, 1981, p.
---, "National Book Week report," National Library Bulletin, 1(4),
July/August 1981, pp. 3-4.
Catherine Vatio, "Rabaul Public Library," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 9,
September 1974, p. 22.
John Vilivili, "What is non-formal Education," In Obi, Margaret, ed.
Professional Seminars, 1982, p. 71.
Kevin Walcott, "The importance of the book : a newspaper publisher's
viewpoint," in . Professional seminars 1982, (M.Obi, ed.), Administrative
College, Port Moresby, 1982, pp. 57-63.
---, [untitled paper] in Papua New Guinea Library Association. 8th
Conference. pp. 149-150.
Alan Walker, "New High School Library course in Papua New Guinea," COMLA
Newsletter, 39, March 1983, p. 6.
Jessie Warrat, "Role of Libraries in education," Tok Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 5,
September 1973. p. 8 - 10.
Harold White, Library Services for Papua New Guinea (unpublished, held by
the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea Library) 1965.
---, Report to the Speaker and Library Committee of the House of Assembly on
the Immediate Needs of Members for Library Services, Unpublished report
dated 22 February, 1965. 12 p.
D.E.K. Wijasuriya, A Library Development Plan for Papua New Guinea, Library
Council of PNG, Port Moresby, 1990.
---, "The Public Library Development Plan for Papua New Guinea," Information
Development, 8(1), 1992, 16-21.
---, see also John Evans"The Public Library Development Plan for Papua New
Peter Williams, Education for Librarianship in Melanesia, MA in ILS Thesis,
Liverpool John Moores University, 1993.
J. Wilson, "Papua New Guinea Collection," National Library Bulletin, 1(1),
January/February 1981, p. 4.
Steven Winduo, Book Trade in Papua New Guinea : a Directory 1993, UPNG,
Department of Library and Information Studies, Port Moresby, 1993.
---, "A resource deficiency : the student in pursuit of knowledge without
library skills," in Papua New Guinea Libraries Plus, (J.Evans, ed.), UPNG,
SPCenCIID, Port Moresby, 1994, pp. 215-219.
Benson Wirito, "Library profile: Laloki Co-operative College Library",Tok
Tok Bilong Haus Buk, 29, Sept. 1982, p. 20.
E.P. Wolfers, "Finding the law in the Pacific Islands: Observations with
special reference to Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands," International
Journal of Legal Information, 10(3), 1982, pp. 93-101.
Working Group on Rationalisation of Library Facilities and Usage, Report.
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John Evans
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