Development subjects for Papua New Guinea

- Proposal to build light railways to help develop rural economy generally and Bouganville specifically
PNGRailLetter.pdf [87 k pdf file] 1991 letter
by Michael R. Pearson
- Provincial Information Services: role of information in provincial development
draft information guidelines workshop
dissucssion summary by John Evans
- Global village: a village of the future for Papua New Guinea Anthony P. Power, July 2001
"to make our people much more productive in the village by diversifying and strengthening the village economy. A very wide range of appropriate technology that is relatively cheap is available for village people.
- Land mobilization program in Papua New Guinea Anthony P.Power, July 2001
...Nearly three decades of neglect of customary land management by successive governments since Independence has denied development to most of our citizens who own the country....[now]...
- Information as resource
Information technology is viewed as a powerful tool in harnessing the full benefits of information in national development and in the realisation of the development of the information economy. Despite the potential that improved use of information has, there are severe problems with information in Papua New Guinea and the paper concludes with a treatment of the prospects and potential for the development of improved services with a view to their future sustainability.
by John Evans
- Management of community development
Community management of development: How can we make it happen? - by: Marsha Berman
- PNG Food & Nutrition 2000 Conference: 26th - 30th June, 2000 - University of Technology at Lae. Under the guidance of the chairman of the steering committee (Mr Valentine Kambori) the conference is shaping up to have a significant impact on policy in PNG.
- POSTPONED DUE TO LACK OF FUNDING! Melanesia 2000 and Beyond: Empowering Village and Rural Development
- Port Moresby
- E-mail list-service for participants of Melanesia 2000 and Beyond conference

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NB this is a restricted membership list, contact John Evans prior to subscribing to list.
- Land Groups: the foundation for nation building in Papua New Guinea
- A.P.Power, September 1998
- BUAI project information is available through:
Papua New Guinea Internet Content Project
John Evans
SPCenCIID (South Pacific Centre for Communications and Information In Development)
- Web Site Administration