Site News and Updates
1999-2010 website additions of books, articles and information - in order of addition to PNGbuai.com collection
Waigani Seminar 2008 - AUGUST 13th-15th 2008 - UNPG
Download 7 meg pdf poster
- Theme: Living History & Evolving Democracy in Papua New Guinea
- Complementary Themes:
- The Constitution and the Law, Land Tenure and Land Values
- Dynamic interaction, bureaucratic inertia, reactive and proactive pathways
within the three tiers of government
- Climate Change, global warming and environmental impact upon sovereign waters
and lands
- Globalisation and Telecommunication
- The e-Economy: Kina currency; HIV-AIDS health, education and stigmatisation;
other human; natural and material resources within the sovereign jurisdiction
- Contact: Ms. Dimas Belik, Seminar Secretariat, Waigani Campus (next to MLT)
Tel: (675) 326 7694/174 | Fax: (675) 326 7107 &nbs;| Email: waiganis@upng.ac.
- PNG has lost one of its most gifted and well-respected writers of all time Mr. Kumalau Tawali on Friday 17th November 2006.
As a tribute see information from files, one
containing an article (dated Tuesday 21 November) from 'The National'
concerning his death, and another a brief background of his life and work. - in honour of his contribution to PNG
- Papua New Guinea: the challenge of independence, (author) Mark Turner © 1980
Extracts from book, done with author's permission for republshing on www.pngbuai.com
The author, Mark Turner worked for some years at the Administrative College of Papua New Guinea and as of this 2006 date - excerpts publishing, is at the University of Canberra, Australia.
- In Memory of Abraham Kanund Kamben "Jambok"
Born 1920 At Kapikaru, Buang sub-district, Morobe Province, Papua New Guinea
died February 5th 2004 at Geyambos .
"When an old man dies in the village a whole library dies with him."
see grave site & grandchildren photo
[*update photo and name information fr. John Evans]
- Papua New Guinea Lawyers - What do they study at Law School?
University of Papua New Guinea's Law School
course listings-descriptions in their LLB, LLM and Diploma program.
- "Wanted: A plan for a public library service for Papua and New Guinea"
by Peter Biskup, lecturer in history, Administrative College of Papua and New Guinea - [this is a
of scans of original article published in The Australian Library Journal, August 1967, pp.168-173
in pdf format ( 1 megabyte file ) read Biskup article PLBiskup.pdf
[*added 2004-05-26]
Public Library Service in Papua New Guinea: the poor get poorer article by John Evans,
orignally published circa 1986-1987, pp. 21-27, and republished in www.pngbuai.com in 2004
a pdf collection ( 1 meg. file) PLEvans.pdf
[contains statistics of library budgets-spending for collection acquisitions-development of different public libraries across PNG 1973-1985]
[*added 2004-05-25]
- The 2002 Pre-elections & the Governments' Position in the Democratic Country of
Papua New Guinea
- Article 1 [in PDF format] Pre Election 2002 - Article Series
by Peter B. Kanaparo, School of Business Administration, Business Management Strand, University of Papua New Guinea
Introduction "...This manuscript seeks to highlight some of the major events that occurred during
the pre-election time under the reign of the than Prime Minister, Sir Mekere
Morauta. The main proceedings this paper will stress are such as; the cabinet
reshuffles, Bougainville peace process, integrity bill and political tensions in the
three different levels of government in the independent state of Papua New
Guinea (PNG).
This dissertation also reveals PNG domestic politics and states some of the
views from other political commentators and observers. These comments tell us
how others, especially foreigners, have perceived us...."
- The Reading Habit - a missing link between literacy and libraries
pdf literacy article by - Angela Phillip, Dept of Extension Studies, University of Papua New Guinea
ABSTRACT: It is argued that there is little point in putting energy into teaching literacy if there is no follow-up programme to establish reading habits. The U.P.N.G. Extension Studies Book Programme has highlighted three needs in relation to this: 1) the need to take the books to the people rather than waiting for the people to come to the books, 2) the need to provide books that are easy enough for people to enjoy, and 3) the need for ongoing commitment to the programme. It is argued that the the reading habit is not only a missing link between literacy and libraries, but it is a link so
vital that at every level from village to university the people in PNG are drastically underachieving in their daily work.
[140 kb. pdf file ]
(180 k file) analysis (with bibliography) by Christoper T. Hnanquie, macroeconomist with Asia Development Bank
- "House warmings" building dedications and community involvement in East Sepik Province
photos of a small and a very large house dedication
- Creation of Melanesian Property Rights - Building Bridges between Custom and Commerce
- Construction of Railways and Rural Development
- copy of December 1991 letter-proposal to Pias Wingti, C/-National Parliament, Waigani, from Michael R. Pearson
"...concerning the possibility of construction railways to
help in the reconstruction of Bougainville and improving rural employment there.
PNGRailLetter.pdf [87 k pdf file]
- Railways and Tramlines of Rabaul 1890s - 1980s
- Article by Michael R. Pearson, date August 14, 1992
RABAULTRAM.pdf [157 k pdf file]
- A Chronology of Tramways and Railways in Papua New Guinea
- Problems of Devolution of PNG Education
Chapters 1, 3, 5 and 6 of book by Dr Gabriel Kulwaum
[Chapters 2 and 4 were previously published on this site in 1999 now the balance in 2003]
- Critical & Developmental Literacy
195 k. PDF file draft of UPNG Press publication by
late Dr. Otto Neketel
- Business Set-Up Guides - for PNG small/micro business entrepreneurs & organizations
- Resource Development for the PNG Information Infrastructure
Waigani Seminar 1997 presentation by Rhonda Eva, South Pacific Center for Information In Development, UPNG waiSemeva.pdf
- Implementation Strategies of the National Information and Communication Policy [194 k. PDF file] by
Henao Iduhu, Acting Director, Office of Information and Communication - presented 1997 Waigani Seminar
- Imbalance of Information Power Between the State and Resources Owners in the Development of Natural Resources [317k PDF file] by
Eric Lokai Kwa,
Lecturer, Law Faculty, UPNG - presented Waigani 1997 Seminar
- The Internet and effects on Papua New Guinea by Nathan Kwasam [131 k. PDF file]
- presented Waigani 1997 Seminar
- Information Management in the Age of the Internet by Andrew Treloar, School of Computing and Mathematics, Deakin University, Rusden Campus, Clayton, Australia,
presented Waigani 1997 Seminar
- Garamut, slit-drum photos contributed by Quentin Reilly
- PNG Developing the National Information Infrastructure
read summary
by: D. E. K. Wijasuriya
- PNG National Policy on Information and Communications
extracts - John Evans
- Provincial Information Services: role of information in provincial development
draft information guidelines workshop
discussion summary by John Evans
- Evaluating Information: A Stone Age perspective on the Internet
see article
by: A.D. Madden, Department of Information Studies, University of Sheffield, UK - & - J. Palimi, School of Business Administration, University of Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea Libraries by John Evans (previously in PDF format)
- Part 1
Office of Libraries and Archives
National Library Service (introduction)
- Part 2
National Archives Service (continued)
- Library Council of Papua New Guinea
- National Library and Archives Board
- Academic libraries
- Part 3
- Public & Rural Libraries
- Development plan for public libraries
- School libraries
- Special libraries
- Standards
Technology & networks
Education for Librarianship
- Book - major excerpts on line: photos, illustrations, footnotes (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format)
End of the line: a history of railways in Papua New Guinea by Bob
McKillop & Michael Pearson
- Novels - Books
· An extract from novel by Wiri Yakaipoko Blue Logic: something from the darker
side of Port Moresby - in PDF format "This novel published by UPNG Press and supported by Chevron Niugini. ... The novel has been
praised for its originality and realism"
- Poetry - Poems
· A single sample poem by Matubuna Tahun from Volume I - Tsomi - in PDF format - published by UNPG Press and
University Centre, Buin, North Solomon Province. This book of poems was widely sold on Bougainville.
- Integrating Western and traditional information processing:
Observations from Papua New Guinea - by: Stuart Hawthorne and John Evans
- Library planning articles - on 3rd world perspectives
79 page PDF file by John Evans - "...drafts of articles relating to library and information development
-- other than papers relating to Papua New Guinea -- from a collection entitled Planning for library
development: third world perspectives" edited by John Evans and published by Dalhousie University, Dept. of Library and Information Studies,
- Library planning articles - Papua New Guinea libraries
80 page PDF file by John Evans - from a collection entitled Planning for library
development: third world perspectives" edited by John Evans and published by Dalhousie University, Dept. of Library and Information Studies,
- Libraries in Papua New Guinea
88 page PDF file by John Evans - "...a draft of an article that later appeared in Encyclopedia of library and information
science, Vol. 70 "
- In Memory of Professor Otto Nekitel, University of Papua New Guinea (1949-2001)
Saturday, September 15th, 2001 - news of Professor Otto Nekitel's sudden death from a heart attack.
Obituary in PDF file.
- Speech surrogates -or- "Traditional communications:
encoding of messages per semiotic media
By: Professor Otto Nekitel (1949 - 2001) University of Papua New Guinea
- Papua New Guinea Cookbook national recipes, with
descriptions of food and preparation - excerpts from book edited by Louise Shelly formerly with CUSO field office in Port Moresby
- Global village: a village of the future for Papua New Guinea Anthony P. Power, July 2001
"to make our people much more productive in the village by diversifying and strengthening the village economy. A very wide range of appropriate technology that is relatively cheap is available for village people.
- Land mobilization program in Papua New Guinea Anthony P.Power, July 2001
...Nearly three decades of neglect of customary land management by successive governments since Independence has denied development to most of our citizens who own the country....[now]...
- Summary report on 1997 Waigani Seminar by John Evans
- Information as resource John Evans
- Records & archives management: a Papua New Guinea review by John Evans
- 3 children's short stories by Andrew V. Solien, listen to stories in streaming audio format (using RealPlayer from www.real.com)
- Prospects for book development and the small island state - by John Evans
- A case for law and order by: Garry Sali, Dept. Anthropology & Sociology, UPNG
- Communication or popularisation of scientific knowledge by: Dr Yurikobanyal Mua, Dept.of Chemistry, UPNG
- Requirements of an indigenous knowledge center in Papua New Guinea - by Dr. Linus S. Digim'Rina, Dept. Anthropology & Sociology, UPNG
- Collecting Local History: Taxonomy of the Zia Knowledge System - by: Biama Kanasa, Department of History, UPNG
- Local and Regional Book Publishing for Local and Regional Information By: Linda Crowl,
Publications Fellow, Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific
- Channels of communication: Individual, Nation and the International Community - by: Brij Tankha, Centre for the Development of Instructional Technology, New Delhi, India
- Information and Women by Lady Carol Kidu, MP, 1997 Waigani Seminar - overview on literacy awareness programs, poverty, political issues, cultural-social issues, life expectancy drop related to women in PNG ...
- Double Conscience Without the Instrument to Liberate By: Steven Edmund Winduo, Language and Literature Dept., University of Papua New Guinea - presented at 1997 Waigani Seminar
- Credit information and small enterprise barriers by David Kavanamur, Political & Administrative Studies Department, University of Papua New Guinea
- Communication For Development Program at University of Technology PNG By: Justin Kehatsin, Language & Communication Studies, Unitech
- Selling the information profession in PNG by: Polycarp Reu, Librarian, PNG University of Technology
- PANGTEL Papua New Guinea Telecommunication Authority introduction to a new agency.
- Information Skills in PNG by: John Evans, SPCenCIID for 1997 Waigani Seminar -
- 1994 Rabaul volcanic eruption: human sector impacts on the Tolai displaced communities By: Caspar G. To Waninara , Melanesian Research Institute, Goroka - for Waigani Seminar 97
- Globalisation Of Education Policies: Extent Of External Influences On Contemporary Universal Primary Education Policies In Papua New Guinea excerpts from Thomas Webster - book - University of Papua New Guinea Press, July 2000. 1SBN: 9980-084-094-3
- Community Teacher Education - complete text of McLaughlin and ODonoghue, August 1996. 133p. A4. ISBN 9980-84-066-8.
- ADEA/UNESCO Survey on Conditions of Teaching and Learning: Study on the Context of Book Provision - Linda Crowl, Publications Fellow, Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Suva, 1999
- Traditional Religion in Melanesia - Theo Aerts, excerpts from 1996 book UPNG PRESS
Rhetorics: a blurred image of reality - navigating the waters of Melanesian thought - Andrew Moutu, Papua New Guinea National Museum & Art Gallery (from 1997 Waigani Seminar)
- Traditional knowledge in science (from 1997 Waigani Seminar) Professor Lance Hill, University of Papua New Guinea
- Keynote Address - The Value of Traditional Knowledge in the 21st Century (from 1997 Waigani Seminar) Hon. Professor John Waiko, PhD, MP
Vice Minister for Education
- Technology / Information Subject area starts with Introduction: Information and the Nation: the 1997 Waigani Seminars
- Industrial and Employment Relations in the Mining Industry new book excerpts by Benedict Y. Imbun - UPNG Press 2000.
- PNGBUAI.COM search engine search our site with our own search engine!
- Papers presented at - 1996 National mini-conference on Youth
- The Paliau Movement book by Kakak Kais, Manus, ©1998 (thesis)
- Conference postponed - Melanesia 2000 - lack of funding!
- Manus Province, Papua New Guinea: Year 2000
and Beyond Radio Manus programme series materials
- Melanesia 2000 Conference listserv set up Jan. 10, 2000
- Draft Bibliography of Libraries & Librarianship in Papua New Guinea to 1996 Update compiled by Dr. John Evans, to 1996 Jan.09, 2000
- History of Railways: German New Guinea / Australian Territory Nov. 1999
- Legends & Stories of Pokop Oct. 1999
- Publishers Catalogs area Sept. 7, 1999
- Education - Policy Development Sept. 1999
- WWW.PNGBUAI.COM virtual domain activated Aug. 09, 1999
- Development Subject Area see plans for
- Melanesia 2000 - a Millenium Conference
- Land groups: the foundation for nation building in Papua New Guinea
- BUAI project information is available through:
- Papua New Guinea Internet Content Project
- John Evans
- Web Site Administration
Neal Chan
Site Contents
Associated Projects
www.ngo.org.pg is a related project sponsored under the same initiative. This web site has some of the most comprehensive information on the non-governmental-organisations (NGOs) working in Papua New Guinea (PNG) and also provides a hosting service for NGOs presently unable to design and host their own sites.
Web Site Development manager & Creativity Consultant:
Dr. John Evans
Web Site Photographic Contributions
Marsha Berman
Site administration/design email siteadmin@netpac.com see also www.provenance.ca www.MetroTown.info